How Many Chapters Are In the Old Testament?

The Old Testament contains a total of 929 chapters spread across 39 books. These books are divided into four main sections: the Pentateuch, History Books, Wisdom Literature, and Prophetic Literature. Each section has its own unique structure, focus, and number of chapters.

The chapter divisions seen today were not present in the original Hebrew manuscripts. They were introduced much later to make reading and referencing easier. Despite these divisions being a later addition, they do not alter the meaning of the text.

Old Testament

Total Chapters in the Pentateuch

The Pentateuch consists of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books lay the foundation for the history, laws, and beliefs of the Israelites.

Who Divided the Bible Into Chapters?

The original manuscripts of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew without chapter or verse divisions. The chapter divisions seen today were introduced by Stephen Langton, an Archbishop of Canterbury, in the 13th century. He created these divisions to make the text easier to read, reference, and study.

Before Langton’s system, Jewish scribes had their own reading divisions for liturgical purposes. However, these were not the standardized chapters used today. The Wycliffe Bible, completed in the 14th century, was one of the first English translations to use Langton’s system.

Breakdown of Chapters in the Pentateuch

  1. Genesis – 50 chapters
  2. Exodus – 40 chapters
  3. Leviticus – 27 chapters
  4. Numbers – 36 chapters
  5. Deuteronomy – 34 chapters

These five books contain 187 chapters in total. They cover creation, early human history, Israel’s ancestors, the Exodus from Egypt, and the laws given to Moses.

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Total Chapters in the History Books

The History Books span from Joshua to Esther and document the conquest of Canaan, the reign of Israel’s kings, the Babylonian exile, and the return to Jerusalem. These books provide detailed accounts of Israel’s triumphs, failures, and relationship with God.

Breakdown of Chapters in the History Books

  1. Joshua – 24 chapters
  2. Judges – 21 chapters
  3. Ruth – 4 chapters
  4. 1 Samuel – 31 chapters
  5. 2 Samuel – 24 chapters
  6. 1 Kings – 22 chapters
  7. 2 Kings – 25 chapters
  8. 1 Chronicles – 29 chapters
  9. 2 Chronicles – 36 chapters
  10. Ezra – 10 chapters
  11. Nehemiah – 13 chapters
  12. Esther – 10 chapters

These 12 books contain 229 chapters and show how Israel developed as a nation, strayed from God’s commands, suffered the consequences, and later found restoration.

Total Chapters in the Wisdom Literature

The Wisdom Books contain poetry, songs, proverbs, and philosophical reflections. They focus on godly wisdom, human suffering, worship, and moral principles.

Breakdown of Chapters in the Wisdom Literature

  1. Job – 42 chapters
  2. Psalms – 150 chapters
  3. Proverbs – 31 chapters
  4. Ecclesiastes – 12 chapters
  5. Song of Solomon – 8 chapters

These five books contain 243 chapters. Psalms is the longest book, while Song of Solomon is the shortest in this category. These writings explore the human experience, suffering, joy, and devotion to God.

Total Chapters in the Prophetic Literature

The Prophetic Books include the writings of major and minor prophets. They contain warnings, prophecies, visions, and promises of restoration. These books document God’s messages to Israel and the surrounding nations.

Breakdown of Chapters in the Prophetic Literature

Major Prophets

  1. Isaiah – 66 chapters
  2. Jeremiah – 52 chapters
  3. Lamentations – 5 chapters
  4. Ezekiel – 48 chapters
  5. Daniel – 12 chapters
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These five books contain 183 chapters. Isaiah is the longest in this section, containing a combination of judgment and messianic prophecy.

Minor Prophets

  1. Hosea – 14 chapters
  2. Joel – 3 chapters
  3. Amos – 9 chapters
  4. Obadiah – 1 chapter
  5. Jonah – 4 chapters
  6. Micah – 7 chapters
  7. Nahum – 3 chapters
  8. Habakkuk – 3 chapters
  9. Zephaniah – 3 chapters
  10. Haggai – 2 chapters
  11. Zechariah – 14 chapters
  12. Malachi – 4 chapters

These twelve books contain 67 chapters. They focus on judgment, repentance, and future restoration. Though shorter, their messages are powerful and direct.

Did God Inspire the Chapter Divisions?

The original biblical texts were written without chapter or verse divisions. The inspiration of Scripture applies to the actual words written by the prophets and scribes, not the later chapter divisions.

The chapter system introduced by Stephen Langton was created for practical purposes, helping readers locate passages quickly. While these divisions are useful, they are not divinely inspired. Some breaks occur in awkward places, which can sometimes affect context.

Despite this, the message of the Bible remains unchanged. The words, themes, and teachings stay consistent, regardless of where chapters begin or end.

Final Chapter Count of the Old Testament

Each section of the Old Testament contributes to the overall structure of the Bible. The total number of chapters in each section is as follows:

  • Pentateuch – 187 chapters
  • History Books – 229 chapters
  • Wisdom Literature – 243 chapters
  • Prophetic Literature – 250 chapters

This adds up to 929 chapters across 39 books. The Old Testament serves as the foundation for understanding God’s laws, promises, and plans before the arrival of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.